Saturday, May 8, 2021

Are You a Strategic Thinker?

From time to time in different forums we get asked “are you a strategic thinker”.

In current world, where a constant change is faster than ever before which means thinking strategically has become increasingly valuable to see what is ahead. This applies to for individuals and for organisations.

As we are talking so much about the importance of strategic thinking, but what exactly does it mean to be a strategic thinker, and how can you determine if you possess this valuable skill? Let's explore some of the traits and habits of strategic thinkers to help you assess your own strategic thinking abilities.

Setting Clear Long-Term Goals:
Strategic thinkers are known for their ability to set clear, overarching goals that guide their actions and decisions. They think about the future and what they want to achieve in the long run. 

If you ask yourself: Do you have a vision for your future, both professionally and personally? Can you articulate your long-term goals and objectives? 

Planning and Prioritising:
Strategic thinking involves setting priorities and creating plans to achieve your goals. Strategic thinkers excel at breaking down their objectives into actionable steps and timelines. They understand the importance of making choices about what to focus on and what to leave aside. 

If you ask yourself: Do you consistently prioritise your tasks and develop action plans to reach your goals?

Thinking About the Big Picture:
Strategic thinkers look at the big picture and consider how their decisions will impact the broader context. They're not just focused on short-term gains but are concerned with long-term consequences. 

If you ask yourself: Are you conscious of how your actions and choices fit into a larger plan or vision?

Embracing Complexity:
Strategic thinkers are comfortable dealing with complexities. They don't shy away from intricate problems or challenging situations. Instead, they see complexity as an opportunity to dig deeper, understand nuances, and find creative solutions. 

If you ask yourself: Are you willing to tackle complex issues and look for innovative solutions?

Open to Change:
Adaptability is a hallmark of strategic thinking. Those who possess this skill are open to change and flexible in their approach. They can adjust their strategies and tactics as circumstances evolve. 

If you ask yourself: Are you open to adjusting your plans when needed? Can you embrace change and uncertainty?

Collaborating and Communication:
Effective strategic thinkers understand the importance of collaboration and communication. They work well with others to achieve common goals and can articulate their vision to inspire and align people. 

If you ask yourself: Are you a good communicator and collaborator?

Evaluate and Reflect:
Strategic thinkers regularly evaluate their progress and reflect on their actions. They use feedback and results to refine their strategies and improve over time. 

If you ask yourself: Do you take the time to assess your efforts and learn from your experiences?

Taking Risks:
Strategic thinking often involves taking calculated risks. While not reckless, strategic thinkers are willing to step out of their comfort zones to achieve their goals. 

If you ask yourself: Are you comfortable with taking calculated risks when necessary?

Committed to Growth:
Strategic thinkers have a growth mindset. They are committed to ongoing self-improvement and learning. They see challenges as opportunities for personal and professional growth. 

If you ask yourself: Are you open to learning and self-development?

If the answer is Yes to at lest some of them if not all, then you are heading in right direction and you're well on your way to being a strategic thinker

Final note, strategic thinking is a valuable skill that can benefit individuals in various aspects of life. 
To determine if you are a strategic thinker, assess your ability to set long-term goals,  plan and prioritise, think about the big picture, embrace complexity,  adapt to change, collaborate and communicate effectively, evaluate and reflect, take calculated risks, and commit to personal growth. 
If you identify with these traits, congratulations – you're well on your way to being a strategic thinker. If not, don't worry; strategic thinking can be developed and honed over time through practice and self-awareness.

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