Friday, July 17, 2015

How to extend SCCM task sequence error dialog timeout?

By default if a task sequence fails the error msg will be on the screen for 15 min, then the system will reboot. Which means if we are not watching the build progress, we will lose the log files and may need to do re-start the whole build again.

However, using a SMSTSErrorDialogTimeout task sequence variable we can extend the duration of the task sequence error msg timeout.

First create a step in the beginning of your task sequence and on the Set Task Sequence variable step;
Name: Add a desired name
Task Sequence Variable: SMSTSErrorDialogTimeout
Value: Enter the value (in Seconds) how long you want to keep the window open

Now the task sequence error dialog will show for extended duration as below;

That’s it. Next time if the task sequence fails, it will wait for 12 hours before it closes the error msg window.

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