Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No task sequences available for this computer SCCM OSD Task seqence error

When performing SCCM OSD bare metal builds or after replacing a dead hard drive or without knowing the exact host name will cause so many headaches.  One of the main and common msg is “no task sequences available for this computer”. This happens only when using boot media.

If we know the host name that is simple and easy. Just delete the host name from the console then deploy the OS.  If we don’t know the host name then run a report based on the MAC address will help to find the machine in the console.  What happens when we cannot find the machines MAC address in the console and we don’t know the exact host name of the machine? 

Here is the easy way to find the host name of the machine.

First, PXE boot the machine and then choose next when the task sequence window shows up. The TS window will look for all advertised OS Deployment task sequences then fail with “no task sequences available for this computer”. At this stage, open command windows by pressing F8 then browse to X:\Windows\Temp\SMSTSLog folder. Then open SMSTS.log file.
Serach for Netbios name in the log, will show you the host name of the machine. or
In the log file if we look few lines down, it will show you the SMBIOS GUID, hostname and status=Known, similar to below -

Grab the hostname then search that host name in SCCM Console. That will give you a machine. Delete that machine from the console and start PXE boot again. This time it will continue without any errors.


  1. This worked! Thank you! One step that's not mentioned. After you try to open the SMSTS.log file in the command prompt window it says file cannot open, it's in use. If you hit Finish on the Task Sequence Wizard window, it will then allow you to access the log file and won't reboot.

    1. Hi There,
      you cannot directly open the log file in command prompt, instead use Notepad.exe X:\Windows\Temp\SMSTSlog\smsts.log
      This will open the log file without closing the task sequence wizard window.

    2. How can you delete another hostname which is active in SCCM console. I am having the same problem. I imported machine and then started the deployment when i got the error. When i checked the logs it gives me another hostname which is in use. So how could I delete the active one ????

  2. Hi,

    Just to upset the apple cart a bit. I was having the very same problem and stumbled upon this blog post. Well my smstslog didn't have a single entry for SMSBIOS GUID at this point for one reason or another. So not sure what is outlined here is a solution for instances.
