Tuesday, August 13, 2013

401 - Authentication failure on request with anonymous access, retrying with context credentials

You will receive following error when deploying an Operating System using SCCM 2012 Task Sequence;

401 - Authentication failure on request with anonymous access, retrying with context credentials.
401 - Authentication failure on request with context credentials, retrying with supplied credentials.
Network access account credentials not supplied

Reason for the error is; Network access account is not specified or not configured.

Configuring Network Access Account:
Go to Administration ->Site Configuration ->Sites
Then Right click on site then go to Configure Site Components ->Software Distribution
On the Software Distribution Components properties go to Network Access Account and set an account.


  1. Thank you for the post.
    I found this post very helpful and it has fixed my problem.

  2. If you have a network access account already configured and you're seeing these errors, check AD and ensure it isn't locked out. I've been seeing some NAC lockouts with SCCM 2012 OSD.

  3. All the above is OK for me but I am still getting that error. The Newwork Access Account is set up and not lock in AD but I still get

    401 - Authentication failure on request with anonymous access, retrying with context credentials.

    Please what can be causing this?


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Do you have correct permissions assigned to the Network Access Account?
    For testing purpose give domain admin privileges to the account then test.
