Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Activate Windows using MAK key using SCCM task sequence

If you have handful of Kiosk or public facing machines in your organisation, then I am sure you will run into windows activation issues.
As these machines hardly talk to the corporate network so they cannot reach KMS server.
To overcome this issue, we need to use MAK key activation.
So to automate this process we can create another task sequence using your existing deploy task sequence then remove answer file (if you have one) at Apply Operating System Image step then modify Apply Windows Settings step;
1. Add MAK key on Apply Windows Settings step

2. Add activation step anywhere after Setup Windows and Configuration Manager step
To active the windows Add a Run Command Line step, then add following command
        cscript.exe C:\Windows\System32\Slmgr.vbs /ato

That’s it.
Once the OS deployment is complete, the windows already activated.

Few things to remember;
- If activation step is not added then, the MAK key will be added to the machine. However, it will show 3 days until automatic activation.
- If the task sequence is running from offline media and without internet access, then the step will fail.
  To mitigate the task sequence failure select continue on error on the activation step.

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