Friday, November 27, 2015

Task sequence failed with error code 0x80220005

My Windows 10 deploy task sequence failed with error code 0x8022005 when running Apply Windows Settings step in WinPE.

When i reviewed the Smsts.log (Under X:\Windows/temp/Smstslog\SMSts.log) I noticed below errors;
Failed to open the Task Sequencing Environment. Code 0x80220005. Please ensure you are running this executable inside a properly configured OS Deployment task sequence.
Unknown error (Error: 80220005; Source: Unknown) then followed by;
Failed to run the action: Apply Windows Settings. 
Unknown error (Error: 80220005; Source: Unknown)
I started looking backwards (upwards) in the log, and answer file showed HRESULT=80220005  error when setting up the computername. Straight after that step, the task sequence has failed.
pAnswerFile->SetComputerNameW(sValue), HRESULT=80220005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\osdwinsettings\osdwinsettings.cpp,375)

Looking backwards few more lines under "osdwinsettings.exe" /config, there is an entry for Computer Name field with very long name (Computer Name: LABVMware-56 4d d7 f5 0e d4 bc 0e-78 84 ba d5 10 e5 ed 90).This seems to be the culprit.

I checked back my task sequence and noticed that the set computername step adding the serial number of the device with LAB prefix. In this instance, the serial number of the VM which is too long for computer name.

So I have modified the set computername script and tested. Now the Windows 10 deploy task sequence is working as it should.

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