Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Step: 1.6: Post OS Configuration

Create a Post OS Configuration group then add following conditions.
The steps under Post OS Configuration will be initiated only when the conditions are met;
Before we go ahead, we need to create MDT toolkit package.
To create MDT toolkit package, we have to install Microsoft Deployment Toolkit then configure the workbench. The workbench configuration will create a DeploymentShare on a chosen drive.
MDT creates various folders under DeploymentShare, normally I will add all my custom scripts under script folder to a sub folder called CustomScripts

In my lab I have chosen to use C:\ drive. And I have created few other subfolders to separate the scripts and make it easy to understand.
So in the end the path looks like C:\DeploymentShare\Scripts\CustomScripts\Win7\DeployV2
I will add all my Windows 7 Deploy custom scripts to DeployV2 folder as above.

Create a package (MDT 2012) using the source folder a \\<Servername>\Drive$\Deploymenthare
then distribute to all the DP’s.

Add a VBScript (MachineName.vbs) to the custom deployV2 folder on deployment share to identify the serial name and apply as a machine name.
We can find various Vb scripts on the net based on the individual requirements.

Add Custom Machine Name as a sub- group to Post OS Configuration group.
Under Custom machine name sub group,
-          Add a use toolkit package and add MDT 2012 Toolkit package
-          Add a Gather step and select gather local data(do not process rules)
-          Add Run Command Line step, rename to Set Machine Name. On the command line add
cmd /c "%DEPLOYROOT%\scripts\CustomScripts\win7\DeployV2\SetName_VM.vbs"
Select Disable 64-bit file system redirection
Add Apply Drivers group as same level as Custom Machine Name group then add
-          Individual models we want to build then apply WMI query condition to apply a specific driver package.
Add Apply Driver Package Step and choose the appropriate driver package according to the model.
For Lab, I have created a driver package for VMWare NIC and added WMi Query as below;
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE '%VMware Virtual Platform%'

Add Apply Windows Settings step as same level as Apply Drivers group. On Apply Windows Settings fill the information as required.

Add Apply Network Settings then select Join a workgroup. DO NOT select Join a domain.
Add Setup Windows and ConfigMgr step, then add SCCM Client package.
Setup Windows and ConfigMgr is the last step in Post OS Configuration group.

In Post OS Configuration step we have;
-          Created MDT package
-          Applied a VB script to change the name
-          Applied driver packages
-          Applied Windows Settings
-          Applied Windows Settings and
-          Created Setup Windows and ConfigMgr

Click here for complete list of tasks for SCCM OSD All in one task sequence.
Click here for SCCM OSD All in one task sequence Visio diagram.

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